Heading for down and out
Inpired by down and out's ramblings on 'See, I told you so...' and in anticipation of my upcomming trip, I thought I would post a few pics from my last trip out that way...
Here are a few quick images from Samothraki... i know i'm going back a ways here, but with the dirth of party opportunities here in Malaysia, this is the second last outdoor gig that i went to... the last being an day with earthcore on my last trip back to Australia. I know... its sad really that things seem to have dropped down to a party once or twice a year... but I intend on rectifying that situation by heading out to morocco, then spending my new years at greenspirit in thailand.
I have spent too long hanging out in Malaysia I think... It's really starting to feel the same as anywhere else... just another place to be. It would be time to move on if it wasnt for the fact that i've just signed another two year contract to work here. Oh well... nevermind. A few more trips abroad will keep me from going completely crazy (or will keep me from becomming totally boring... a much scarier possibility, given that an exciting weekend here consists drinking a bottle of whiskey and listening to commercial R&B... shudder....) Perhaps I can wrangle a new job in a different location, but for the moment i'll just have to stick with Malaysia.
That said, things arent that bad here. Living the high life is pretty cheap, and even though i've been here for two years already, there are still plenty of weekend getaways that are still waiting for me. And the food... that has to be a highlight. There are very few places in the world that you can eat so well for so little... though this does lend weight to it being time for me to move on... for the first time in my life, I am carrying around a small pot belly induced by too many roti canai and six course chinese dinners.I guess that really, the main thing I miss is my regular dose of freaks... and in particular, the close circle of them that made the last 10 years of my life a pretty fuzzy psychadelic blur. And yet, back to oz is not the direction i'm heading yet... If there was a reason I left, I havent fulfilled it yet. If it was just itchy feet, or a need for something new, I havent had my fill... So until then, I will keep following the path as it opens up before me.
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