Sunday, September 11, 2005

... and sometimes luck just goes your way

I was a little late getting to the gate for my flight from Amsterdam to KL. I'd checked in for the Amsterdam flight while in Barcelona, so there was no real rush... just turn up at the gate before the flight leaves. So I turn up about 15 minutes before my flight and hand in my boarding pass... and the flight attendant asks if i'd like to volunteer to fly back a day later as the flight had been over booked... and for incentive, they would give me 600 Euro and pay for dinner and night in a 5 star hotel...

As you can guess, i took the offer. I am now sitting in Amsterdam Airport waiting for the new flight, and thinking that this was the cheapest trip overseas that i have ever taken...


At 6:25 PM, Blogger tchick said...

He's quiet because he wants to think REALLY carefully about anything he writes here now Kissa :P

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some spam on spam but to stop those annoying sapm comments, go to your blogger settings page, comments tab and change "Show word verification for comments?" to yes.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger tchick said...

hey thanks anon - good idea have done that on my blog

At 8:10 PM, Blogger RandomWeirdo said...

Sorry about the delay in posting anything, but its been a little busy here since i got back. Robin was here last weekend, so I had to play host for the weekend and show him around KL. Other than that, jetlag has made me pretty lazy... will post some stuff by this weekend.

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, where are the pictures. Now that you have drawn attention to this blogg, the least you can do is post pictures:)

At 2:27 AM, Blogger RandomWeirdo said...

Yes Yes... I tried on the weekend but dodgy internet cafes and obstinate web pages refused to allow me to upload any pix... and i didnt wanna blog just text. You will get your pix shortly (but not tomorrow as I am in training all day).

At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn.. what a stroke of luck.. or a wave of luck.. that would have like covered the bloody airfare.. if I were would have also demanded for a upgrade on the next flight back :)

At 10:10 PM, Blogger RandomWeirdo said...

Heh heh, yup anon... that covered the entire cost of the flights there and back. I didnt want to push my luck for the upgrade though... they had other people who were interested and I didnt want to pass up the cash. Still, there was a bus load of 30 people from different flights who had been offered the same... book KLM in peak season... i recon you stand a good chance of getting a free flight if you schedule isnt too rigid!


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