Thursday, September 01, 2005

ooops it happened again

Just writing to let you all know that Down and out has been arrested again on drug related charges in marrakesh. I am currently negotiating for his release; but i would appreciate anyone who can donate to the save down and out fund to leave their bank details in the comments sction. I will check there in the next few days....



At 1:49 PM, Blogger tchick said...

holy crap - are you for real? pissing myself laughing (in a sympathetic and concerned way)

At 10:32 PM, Blogger tchick said...

He must be joking about the bank details kissa - (surely?) but if he's joking about Down and Out's predicament then I'm a little perturbed. If he's not obviously then I'll do anything to help.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. This is Glenn.

I believe my friend Dave needs help.

Tell me what you need.

At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Again, Glenn Here.

Apparantly I have Random Weirdo confused with Down and Out. Fair enough.

Tell me more.
I will help if you let me.

Give me an address to send support packages.

Tell us what we can do.
Tell us who Shukran is.

Give me / us info.
Now please.

How long are you going to be in hell?

At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shukran means "thank you" in arabic. Obviously not a distress signal.

Let the slackers worm their way out of their own hallucinatory mess....nothing wrong with a bit of healthy deportation.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glenn! is with kissa.

The bad end of the spectrum of very real possibilities is VERY BAD.

If this is real.
Which is the good end of the possibilities.

Dave please give me an address to send a FedX 10Kg care package, if you need it.

I think I can get it to you quick (Friday?) if you just give me an address.

Current ideas.

portable chess set.
Lots of tetrapack sustagen.
safety razor + shave goo
band aids
First aid kit
dark chocolate
Book on Nietze
is neurophen OK?
pack of cards.
maybe a small bag
small vegemite
KFC towellette
a couple of V

If you need cumf type to us.

Now please.

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

If this is you please contact immediatly. Dad and I both worried.

Love Mum

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mum again,

Have tried your mobile and am getting strange man I cannot understand. Please contact!!

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea, Please if anyone knows anything please let me know! I will check here regularly.

Dave's Mum

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea, Please if anyone knows anything please let me know! I will check here regularly.

Dave's Mum

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dave's Dad is in China, He cant read this.

He says 'If you are in touch with him please let him know we are around if he needs help. '

I think Dave is OK.
I think Dave is trying to get Cam S out. Not sure.

At 2:31 AM, Blogger tchick said...

I tell you, if this is a joke I'm goingn to be absolutely freaking FURIOUS. And I'm half tempted to call the Embassy if I haven't heard from them by Wednesday.

At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam T here. I am also on the trail. Investigating the legal procedures and implications. I am online 24/7 atm searching for info and any would be appreciated - ----"psinet @ optusnet."

Make sure all information is properly distributed and spread around ASAP

And have faith.

At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know how much use it is, but I have the postal address of the last place Cam was at.

9 anchor terrace, cephas avenue, London, E1 4BA


At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might post some info for whoever needs or is interested. Knowledge is power.

*Islam is the established state religion of Morocco. Almost the entire population is Sunni Muslim. The monarch is the supreme Muslim authority in the country. About 1 percent of the population is Christian, and less than 0.2 percent is Jewish.
*Morocco is a hereditary monarchy, governed under a constitution promulgated in 1996. Replacing an amended 1972 constitution, the 1996 constitution is nominally more democratic. The new constitution also created a second, indirectly elected “advisory” legislative body, however, effectively ensuring the supremacy of the king.
*Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating Moroccan laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Morocco are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.
*The highest tribunal in Morocco is the Supreme Court, which sits in Rabat. The country also has 15 courts of appeal. Cases involving small sums of money are heard by local tribunals, and more important cases are initiated in regional tribunals. In addition, the country has 14 labor tribunals.
*Morocco is the world's largest hashish exporter. According to the World Customs Organization, Morocco supplies 70 percent of the European hashish market. Drugs are rife in Morocco and make up a sizeable portion of the state economy. Cannabis is unofficially Morocco's biggest foreign currency earner.
*Corruption goes to the very heart of the political system, and has been institutionalized by those in power. Corruption allegedly touches the very highest levels of government.
*Morroco carries a maximum of 10 years imprisonment plus a fine for drug related charges, usually applied to top-end drug kingpins. MOROCCO DOES NOT HAVE THE DEATH PENALTY.


At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By agreement between the Canadian and Australian governments, the local Canadian Embassy provides consular assistance to Australians in Morocco. This service does not include the issue of Australian passports. The address is:

Canadian Embassy
13 Bis, Rue Jaafar Assadik
Telephone (212) 3768 7400
Facsimile (212) 3768 7430.

At 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Australia does not have an Embassy or Consulate in Morocco. Australians may obtain consular assistance from and should register with the nearest Australian Embassy. This is in France:

Australian Embassy
4 Rue Jean Rey
75724 Cedex 15
Paris, France
Telephone (33 1) 4059 3300
Facsimile (33 1) 4059 3315.

As there is no more I can do nor any information I can seek that is of value I will wait until I am prompted. I hope the owner of this doesnt mind being spammed with all this info.

Adam T

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked out the phone business. The office in malaysia gave me a wrong digit so that explains the stange man I spoke to. However I have not been able to raise anyone on his mobile. Have been in touch with Foreign affairs who are contacting our nearest Embassy to make enquiries.

Dave's Mum

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meep !


At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fed X package 852892994044 has been sent to Dave care of the Canadian Embassy in Rabat Morocco.

If this is a bad address, give me a better one. I can send a second package.

It will take too long (a week?).
I have not contacted the embassy.

Hopefully this is a complete waste of time. I dont care. I could not just sit here and do nothing.

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave you better answer now or your Dad is going to come get you.


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is a dumb question but can anyone tell me does Cam work for Shell. I have spoken with Dave's boss in malaysia who says that if a shell employee is in trouble he can organise to have the not inconsiderable influence of Shell used. So far I have been a bit vague with him, because if this all turns out to be a storm in a teacup I do not want to get Dave in trouble with his work. However as time drags on and there is no contact both his father and I are becoming increasingly concerned.

Dave's Mum

At 9:41 PM, Blogger tchick said...

no he doesn't - anyone heard from cam's parents?

At 10:18 PM, Blogger tchick said...

I'll call her if you want - I can say i have some mail for him - or I could just say hey I was in regular contact with cam every day for ages and I haven't heard from him for a while - he's probably out of internet contact, but I was just curious to know if anyone had heard from him. email me her number if you'd like.

At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glenn! Dave's Dad said. . .

>I have found the e mail address for the Canadian Embassy in Morocco and sent an e mail asking them if they have news of either Cam or David's detention, and if they can confirm that they are still in the country.
>Allowing for a time difference I am hoping maybe today to hear something.
>David's Mum has sent a separate request for info through the Aust Dept of Foreign Affairs both will end up being processed by the Canadians.
>If we find out anything I will send you a copy.
>I appreciate you taking the time to forward the blog text to me , thanks very much, at least I have a bit more of an idea.
>I am hoping that David not posting anymore info can be taken as the fact he is on the move and has no net access, but then why doesn't he answer the phone?
>Not knowing what is going on is worse than knowing they is in jail.
>At least then we could start to do something concrete about getting them out.
>Kind Regards
>David Beasley Snr

And I would not sugar coat the news too much when telling Cam's Mum / Dad.

We just dont know WTF is going on.


At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have spoken again today to the department of Foreign Affairs but they still haven't heard anything. They have promised to contact me as soon as there is any news.

Dave's boss in malaysia has forwarded his father and me his travel itinerary with flight details and we are trying to find out if he has reconfirmed his return flight to Malaysia.

Dave's Mum

At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have spoken again today to the department of Foreign Affairs but they still haven't heard anything. They have promised to contact me as soon as there is any news.

Dave's boss in malaysia has forwarded his father and me his travel itinerary with flight details and we are trying to find out if he has reconfirmed his return flight to Malaysia.

Dave's Mum

At 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very concerned for Cam and Dave and their families, if I can be of any help I'll do my best, Dave if you read this contact me and we can transfer some money via Western Union if that can help. Email address is


8 Sep 05, 7:55pm

At 3:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have just rang David's mobile and for the first time got through. Didn't get him but did get his voice mail and have left a message saying to contact us and to look at his blog. Hope this gets an answer soon.

David's Mum

At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right...
You leave your bank details if you are expecting to be paid, not if you are expecting to pay someone.


Glad you both survived the goats

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Firstly I am truly glad that this was a joke and that you are fine. i have been really worried. I think I aged ten years in the last four days and I am already way old enough.
Seconly I am very angry that you were so stupid to post a message that could be misconstued in such a way. Perhaps because you have been out of the country for three years you don't understand the climate here now, but we are bombarded every day in the newspapers and TV with stories about Australians overseas on drug charges facing long prison terms or even the death penalty. It is not a good thing to joke about!
Thirdly and mostly, I am absolutly appreciative of the wonderful group of friends you have who cared enough to be so worried. Friendship is the most precious possession and who should be very thankful and humbled that you have a great group of people who care enough to really worry about you.

Love Mum


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